Last spring, the Rotary Club of London-Lambeth kicked off a community-wide fund-raising project to replace the (tired) Main Street festive lights. Within weeks, Lambeth-and-area businesses, community groups and individuals came together and raised thousands of dollars to fund not only the newly designed fixtures but also their initial installation costs.
The lights, sourced within Canada, have arrived and have passed their tests. Keep an eye out for the lights on Main St. shortly after Remembrance Day (November 11).
Congratulations and thanks to the many generous donors and to the Lambeth Rotarians who helped make this happen.
Merry Christmas, Lambeth! CLICK READ MORE to see list of Donors
Attached is a list of businesses, organizations and individuals who expressed their support for festive lights on Main Street through
free-will donations, making this project a success. Rotary Club of London-Lambeth and the community of Lambeth thank you!
Major (Lights) Sponsors:
Bob/Joan Boyce
Cooperators Insurance (Andrew Marshal)
Dr. Margaret Tukara (Family Dentistry)
Geoff Faul/Elaine Gibson
Kimberley’s Ladies Fashions (Danielle Annable)
Lambeth Community Association
Lambeth Harvestfest Committee
Lambeth Legion Branch 501
Lambeth Lions Club
Lambeth Optimists
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home (Mike Stevensen)
McLennan Flowers (Liz MacKinnon)
Rotary District 6330
Tommy’s Motors (James Shields)
Village Pantry Restaurant (Rob Annable)
Generous Donors to the Lambeth Main Street Festive Lights:
Jocelyn Aarts
ABC Sanitation
Deborah Ash
Mary Jane Bauer
Mary Jane Bauer
Leanne Beattie
Bella Jewelry
Bill Boyce
Joy & Stuart Bevan
Barb Botten
Susan Brodie
Bonnie Clark
Pauline Bustard
Adele Chute
Judith Cox
Don Crawford
Barb Botten
Susan Brodie
Bonnie Clark
Pauline Bustard
Adele Chute
Judith Cox
Don Crawford
Paul & Diana Desender
Elizabeth Dore
Elizabeth Dore
Marg Duffy
Michael Faul
Geoff Fournie
Marianne Fraser
Bill Gilbert
Randy Harden
Tiffany Hodges
Michael Faul
Geoff Fournie
Marianne Fraser
Bill Gilbert
Randy Harden
Tiffany Hodges
Kids Cents (London, Inc.)
Lambeth Chiropractic
Lambeth Horticultural Society
Terry Lane
Jan Linner
Allan Loiselle
Jan Linner
Allan Loiselle
Kathryn Marshman
Anne Masek
David Mitchell
Anne Masek
David Mitchell
Brian Moore
Charles Mossman
Sue Olaveson
Dawn Perani
Charles Mossman
Sue Olaveson
Dawn Perani
Antonio & Maria Pompono
Colt Rielhof
Ruth Rivers
Colt Rielhof
Ruth Rivers
Roberta & John Robinson
Danielle Spitters
Josie Toogood
Danielle Spitters
Josie Toogood
Elli Westeinde
Sheila Wilkes
Sheila Wilkes
David Yuzpe
Anonymous – A Friend of the Lambeth Lights