2016 President's Dinner Celebration
on Jun 21, 2016
The President’s Dinner Celebration
This makes the end of Jennifer McQueen’s year as President. We celebrate by honouring two community members Pam Batzold and Lee Stitt with Paul Harris Fellow for their generous contributions to the community (see separate story) and Andrew Thomson with a Certificate of Thanks for his contributions to our Club. Our Rotarian of the Year, David Brent, was also honoured with a Paul Harris Fellow for his involvement this year.
Andy Thibodeau was the guest speaker and he entertained and motivated us with his “Share Your Care” talk.
Our AG Sue Store installed our 2017 President, Charles Mossman, and his Board of Directors.
The members of this small but mighty Rotary Club of London-LAMBETH, look forward to this coming year with enthusiasm.
Our Paul Harris Community Fellows