Rotary Club of London-Lambeth

ImageThe  Rotary Club of London-Lambeth is pleased to present Ethel Annable with a Paul Harris Fellowship for her contributions to the Community, her Church and our Club.

Every year the Rotary Club of London Lambeth seeks to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions to the community, thereby exemplifying Rotary’s great purpose of doing good in the world through service above self.

This year club Executives did not need to look far in choosing such a person.  She has been in our midst from the first days of this club and has been a valued friend of Rotary every since.  But her history of contributions to Lambeth and area go back much farther than that.  As a mother of four active boys it is hardly surprising to learn that she was a Beaver leader, a Sunday School teacher and a Church Youth Group leader. 

As her family became more self-sufficient, she expanded her roles, taking on increasingly responsible positions at Lambeth United Church;  co-ordinator of Education programs, a member, then Chairperson of Church Council, again a member, then President of UCW, as well as representative on the UCW Presbytery. She still sits on the Church Worship Committee and I’ve been given to understand that she throws some amazing church Choir Hallowe’en parties!

She and Drew ran the Baseball program in Lambeth for a number of years providing a valuable service to the youth of the community.


She also volunteers at Southdale Chaplaincy and we are quite certain that we have missed numerous other roles she has fulfilled over her busy life here in Lambeth and area.


But we know her best for her unflinching dedication to this Rotary Club.  We cannot recall a Rotary event, be it golf tournament, Dinner event or garage sale, that she has not been there, making table centerpieces, table favours, or snacks and treats, always there to lend an hand where needed. Through all of this, she has been a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a great friend to many people.


It is with great pleasure that we announce that this year the Rotary Club of London-Lambeth wishes to honour Ethyl Annable with a Paul Harris pin and certificate and donate $1000 in her name, to Rotary International.